This report, ‘Collaborative Solutions For Network Information Security in Education’explores ways in which educators can get full use out of information technologies, while promoting and providing education on the importance of network information security.
The report is a continuation of the ENISA 2011 study ‘Network Information Security in Education: Consolidated ENISA contribution.
The Agency advocates that brokerage of information is the basis of the learning cycle. As a proof point, the report provides practical examples with more action-based learning from Austria, Luxembourg and Denmark and the respondents of the 'Findings from practice' survey.
The main recommendation out of this work is that we should all learn from best practices of our peers and share our own experience.
Can-do attitude
We also recommend that a ‘can do’ attitude’ should be deployed by educators and their students of different age groups.
Target Audience
This report is aimed at educators, defined as trainers, teachers, peers involved in formal education and non-formal education, including life-long learning.
Report outline
The report consists of three parts:
- The results of the survey and consultations,
- The ENISA recommendations from 2012 deliverables and
- Three case studies from Member States (Austria, Luxembourg and Denmark).
Why is this important?
As Vice President and Commissioner Nellie Kroes stated when referring to digital tools, it is important to realise the huge benefit for economies, societies and democracies that are brought by such digital tools and to participate in the effort to ‘build a connected, competitive continent: an e-EU’. Moreover, it is crucial to have secure digital communications and networks for the information society to function. It is ultimately a wallet issue for citizens, companies and the entire society.
Education-the first step to cyber security
Finally, in the report, we recommend to start with digital education as a first step for understanding Network and Information Security (NIS).
For the full report and educational info-graphics: Collaborative Solutions For Network Information Security in Education
For background: Related study on “Involving Intermediaries in Cyber Security Awareness Raising’’, focussing on cross-border cooperation, as well as for public-private collaboration and information exchange.